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July 2023 News
Save The Date 15th Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference
Conference Theme: "Weaving knowledges for sustainable futures; together creating a new way
Monday 11 March 2024 to Wednesday, 13 March 2024
Rotorua, New Zealand
Join the Scientific Committee
The Executive Committee are seeking members to join the scientific committee to support the organisation of the conference. In particular, we are seeking a co-chair and general committee members. Members of the scientific committee is responsible for evaluating and selecting high-quality research submissions, organising scientific sessions, and ensuring the overall scientific excellence of the conference.
If you are interested in getting involved please email conference@aipn.com.au
Injury Prevention Experts Recognised in Kings Birthday Honours
AIPN Life Member, Professor Rebecca Ivers and Emeritus Professor Raphael Hilary Grzebieta, were both recognised in the Kings Birthday honours list as members of the order of Australia on 12 June for their contributions to injury prevention.
Professor Ivers was awarded Member (AM) in the General Division for her significant service to community health through injury prevention research and education.
Emeritus Professor Raphael Grzebieta was awarded a Member (AM) in the General Division for his significant service to the transport industry through road safety research and promotion.

Professor Rebecca Ivers AM
Emeritus Professor Raphael Grzebieta AM
AIPN Member Spotlight
How did you get into Injury Prevention?
Like many of us, it’s a winding road to Injury Prevention but I’ve ended up just where I should be.I studied prosthetics and orthotics and worked clinically in neuro, ortho, vascular and rehab settings. Even then I was frustrated at preventable injuries occurring: such as someone with a spinal cord injury getting a pressure wound that would slow their recovery immeasurably.In 2008 I was offered a scholarship to pursue a PhD in the Netherlands. My work looked at rehab and care after an amputation in older patients.Returning to Australia, I applied for many jobs not really knowing what was next. The one that stuck was working with Prof Caroline Finch in sports injury prevention - which I’ve been doing now for 10 years.
What is your favourite part of being involved with the AIPN?
For me, it is connection to other injury areas and learning what my colleagues are doing. This has been a huge asset for me to bring to my work in sport injury.
A favourite tv show or book you’d recommend for everyone to read?
I gravitate to medical history stories - plagues, surgeries, things we thought would cure that we can now see clearly did not. Podcasts are great for these topics, such as “This podcast will kill you.” Outbreak was a favourite movie growing up and I still love it now - especially with its questionable ethics around sending the little girl outside as monkey bait.
A fact about yourself that most people wouldn't know
I completed part of my bachelors degree in Jönköping, Sweden. While there, I was able to arrange a clinical placement in Gällivare, a town within the province of Lapland, 100 km north of the Arctic Circle. I was there in Summer and every night would set my alarm for 2am to make sure the sun was still up. It was awesome.

Dr Lauren Fortington
Senior Research Fellow
Edith Cowan University
National Museum of Australia Acquisition Event Mikac and Howard Letters
The AIPN was honored to be able to join our colleagues from the Australian Gun Safety Alliance at the National Museum of Australia on 15th June for the acquisition event of the Mikac and Howard Letters. This exhibition showcases the letters between Walter Mikac and former Prime Minister, John Howard following the Port Arthur tragedy in 1996 leading to the historic national firearms reform in Australia. The event, hosted by the Alannah and Madeline Foundation was joined by Prime Minister Albanese and Opposition Leader Dutton, coming together to support firearms safety in Australia. To find watch Prime Minister Albanese’s speech click here.
AIPN Members Kidsafe QLD Award Winners
AIPN Members, Kidsafe QLD won the Corporate Fleet Safety Award at the Australian Road Safety Awards hosted at Parliment House on 14 June 2023.
Kidsafe QLD were recognised for their Saving kid's lives with free seat checks program. Congratulations to Susan Teerds and the Kidsafe team.

Honourable Anthony Albanese

AIPN Events
Next Steps for Injury Prevention Webinar
Have you ever wondered what the next frontier in injury prevention and safety promotion practice, research, and policy will be? Join us for this discussion starter to hear from leaders in Australian Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion reflecting on the current challenges, areas for future developments, and the skills that the workforce will need to be swift in addressing threats and responsive to opportunities. A range of invited speakers will provide their perspectives on the future.
Date: Monday10 July 2023
Time: 1pm AEST
Location: Online
Alcohol and Injury Prevention: The latest research and advocacy opportunities
Alcohol is reported as the highest risk factor for injury in Australia, contributing to over 15% of the overall burden of injuries in 2018. Join the Australasian Injury Prevention Network supported by the Know Injury Program from Injury Matters as they host this webinar with guest presenter Professor Peter Miller. Peter is the Professor of Violence Prevention and Addiction Studies at the School of Psychology at Deakin University. Peter will share the latest findings from his research on alcohol policy, licensed venues, and violence (Queensland Alcohol-related violence and Night Time Economy Monitoring (QUANTEM) study) and the Last Drinks study and discuss some practical takeaways and advocacy suggestions/reflections.
Date: Tuesday 25 July 2023
Time: 2pm AEST
Location: Online

Reports & Publications
In 2020–21, 66,500 Australians were admitted to hospital for injuries sustained while playing sport – an increase of 14,200 compared with the previous year. With numbers now returning to pre-COVID levels.
The report shows that cycling accounted for the hifgest number of sports injury hospitalisation with 9,800 in 2020-21, increasing from 8,000 in 2019-2020. This may reflect an increase in participation rates.
Sports injury hospitalisations return to pre-COVID trends

Vacant Positions
Injury is a major cause of hositalisation and death in Australia.
In 2021-22 the top three injury hospitalisations were for falls, struck by an object and transport incidents.
The top three causes of injury death in 2020-21 were falls, suicide and accidental poisoning.
Injury in Australia

Public Consultation
Improving alignment and coordination between the Medical Research Future Fund and Medical Research Endowment Account
To optimise the government’s investment in health and medical research, the Department of Health and Aged Care and National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) are undertaking national consultation to improve alignment and coordination between the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) and Medical Research Endowment Account (MREA).
This national consultation will help to identify ways to improve the strategic alignment and coordination between the two funds.
This consultation closes 14 July 2023

AIPN Student Sub-Committee
Are you a passionate student looking to make an impact in injury?
Are you eager to shape the student member experience, advocate for change, and contribute to AIPN activities? Look no further! We invite you to become a valued member of our Student Sub-Committee.
If you are interested in getting involved contact communications@aipn.com.au

The ANZBA meeting theme for 2023 is “Towards Zero”. We all imagine a future with zero burns, zero complications, zero scars, zero inequity, zero patient impact and zero waste. Local and international speakers and delegates will come together to address these ‘towards zero’ themes from a clinical, research, and consumer perspective.
ANZ Burns Association Annual Scientific Meeting 12- 15 September
2023 ASICS Sports Medicine Australia Conference 11-14 October

The 2023 ASICS SMA Conference is a unique multidisciplinary event, and includes representation from medical practitioners, allied health professionals, academics, students, and others interested in sports medicine. The rich array of professions is reflected in the Conference program, and fosters collaboration and knowledge exchange across the disciplines.
The 10th Biennial Australia and New Zealand Falls Prevention Conference (ANZFP) will for the first time be run as a joint conference with the World Congress on Falls and Postural Stability at the Perth Convention Centre, from the 26-28 November 2023. ANZFP is an initiative of the Australian and New Zealand Falls Prevention Society (ANZFPS). The 1st World Congress on Falls and Postural Stability was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in December 2019-joint initiative of the Malaysian Society of Geriatric Medicine and the British Geriatrics Society.
ANZ Falls Prevention Society and World Falls Congress 26-28 November

World Conference on Drowning Prevention 4-7 December
This globally significant event will focus world attention on drowning prevention. WCDP 2023 will gather experts in drowning prevention, lifesaving and water safety with the goal of Shaping Global Strategy and Mobilising for Action.

Australasian Road Safety Conference 19-21 September
Join Australasia’s leading road safety and injury prevention researchers, practitioners and policy makers for the Australasian Road Safety Conference 2023.
ARSC 2023 will be held in Cairns, QLD and online to accommodate delegates from anywhere in the world. This hybrid format will bring together road safety stakeholders and decision-makers from Australasia and international jurisdictions to facilitate collaboration and share information.