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April 2023 News

Save The Date

The 2024 Australasian Injury Prevention Network Conference 


Conference Theme: "Weaving knowledges for sustainable futures; together creating a new way"


Tuesday,12 March 2024 to Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Rotorua, New Zealand

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More information to come...

Survey: Aboriginal experiences of injury/disability and use of NSW Health Rehabilitation Services

The Trauma, Pain and rehabilitation stream at the Agency for Clinical Innovation is working towards building Aboriginal cultural safety by identifying current barriers to good experiences of health care delivery for Aboriginal people, but also future potential models of care.  
The following clinical networks and services are the focus of this survey:

  • physical trauma

  • burn injury

  • spinal cord injury

  • brain injury

  • rehabilitation

  • pain

  • drug and alcohol services.


Please complete this short survey if you have had experience working with Aboriginal patients


People who complete the survey will go into a draw to win 1 of 10 Merchandise packs.

AIPN Member Spotlight

How did you get into Injury Prevention?

I have had a keen interest in injury prevention and its close partner, health promotion, for many decades now. Having come from a clinical background (working primarily in burn injury) it became clear very early on that focussing on injury prevention was going to contribute more significantly to people’s life and quality of living than did focussing on the consequences of injury. It can change the trajectory of people’s lives, in a positive way. This is particularly the case in child injury prevention which is a key area of interest for me. We know injury is a matter of inequity. People who are most at risk of injury are also those who are often most disadvantaged by social, financial and educational disadvantage. Experiences of racism and being disadvantaged by policies and practices further compounds injury risk. The need to address these issues is critical if we are to truly and significantly reduce injury. So, in essence, injury prevention for me is the essence to many things I hold close – ensuring we all have as good a chance as possible to have a full and positive life; focussing on equity and individual and community values; working with multiple sectors and across multiple knowledges; and of course being in awe of the people with whom I work.  


What is your favourite part of being involved with the AIPN?

The balance between collaboration, advocacy and activist. AIPN brings a network of like-minded people working together towards a shared goal. We are a group of people all contributing significantly and meaningfully and of course enjoying our work.

A favourite TV Show or Book you’d recommend? Have to say that during COVID, I found Schitt’s Creek my go-to TV show – the basic humour and acceptance of people brought a smile to my face. 


A fact about yourself most people wouldn't know?

My slightly wicked humour


Kate Hunter

Senior Research FellowConjoint Senior Lecturer

Gunnu-maana (Heal) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Program, The George Institute for Global Health and The University of New South Wales

‘It happens in a flash’: The serious workplace injury that’s on the rise

Serious eye injuries caused by workplace accidents have surged over the past five years, with an emergency doctor attributing the rise to young tradies shunning safety goggles amid a construction boom.


Doctors at the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital say more tradesmen in their 20s and 30s have been presenting to the emergency department each year with eye injuries caused by flying nails, wire, concrete and power tool parts.

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Elia Koyanasau lost sight in his right eye following a workplace accident in 2020.

Stay On Your Feet Remove Hazards grants

Applications for Stay On Your Feet Remove Hazards grants are now open!


Grants of up to $5,000 (plus GST) are available and will fund projects running between 1 September and 30 November 2023.

Grants are open to community groups and not-for-profit organisations, health professionals, and community workers working with older adults, retirement and lifestyle villages, optometry or podiatry clinics, and local governments.

Visit below to download the grant application today

Vacant Position 

Member for the Student/Early Career Committee


If you are interested, please contact:

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Reports & Publications


Feasibility of linking violent death decedents to prior-month emergency department visits in North Carolina, 2019–2020


Burden of road traffic injuries in Iran: a national and subnational perspective, 1990−2019 (23 December, 2022) 


Does binge drinking mediate the relationship between four adverse childhood experiences and adult traumatic brain injury? Results from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 Cohort (2 November, 2022)


Badminton-related eye injuries: a systematic review (23 December, 2022)


Major trauma among E-Scooter and bicycle users: a nationwide cohort study Editor's Choice (28 February, 2023) 


Interventions to change parental parenting behaviour to reduce unintentional childhood injury: a randomised controlled trial (11 November, 2022)


Detecting intimate partner violence circumstance for suicide: development and validation of a tool using natural language processing and supervised machine learning in the National Violent Death Reporting System (6 December, 2022)


Legal epidemiology of paediatric dog bite injuries (4 November, 2022)


WISQARS Cost of Injury for public health research and practice (17 November, 2022)


Cost-effectiveness of England’s national ‘Safe At Home’ scheme for reducing hospital admissions for unintentional injury in children aged under 5 (6 December, 2022)


Maternal outcomes in association with motor vehicle crashes during pregnancy: a nationwide population-based retrospective study (20 March, 2023)


Association between mild cognitive impairment and falls among Chinese older adults: the mediating roles of balance capacity and depressive symptoms (5 December, 2022)


Hurricane Florence and suicide mortality in North Carolina: a controlled interrupted time-series analysis (13 December, 2022)

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2023 ASICS Sports Medicine Australia Conference

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Year-on-year, the SMA Conference is a platform for the world's most celebrated sports medicine researchers and practitioners to network and exchange ideas. This year will be no different.


The 2023 ASICS SMA Conference is a unique multidisciplinary event, and includes representation from medical practitioners, allied health professionals, academics, students, and others interested in sports medicine. The rich array of professions is reflected in the Conference program, and fosters collaboration and knowledge exchange across the disciplines. The outstanding clinical program and practical workshops are supplemented by an excellent social program with multiple opportunities for networking, including the Welcome Reception, Gala Dinner and Scientific Poster Session.​

The 10th Biennial Australia and New Zealand Falls Prevention Conference (ANZFP) will for the first time be run as a joint conference with the World Congress on Falls and Postural Stability at the Perth Convention Centre, from the 26-28 November 2023. ANZFP is an initiative of the Australian and New Zealand Falls Prevention Society (ANZFPS). The 1st World Congress on Falls and Postural Stability was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in December 2019-joint initiative of the Malaysian Society of Geriatric Medicine and the British Geriatrics Society.

ANZ Falls Prevention Society and World Falls Congress 2023


World Conference on Drowning Prevention

The confirmed dates for the conference are 4 to 7 December 2023. However, the co-hosts are offering more than just a 3-day conference, extending the events from 1 to 8 December.


Check the Program page for more details.

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© 2024 by Australasian Injury Prevention Network 

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