About Us
We are an independent, non-government network representing all-age, all-cause injury prevention and safety promotion in the Australasian region. The AIPN is governed by a constitution and managed by an elected Executive Committee.
We strive to promote knowledge of the causes of injury and safety promotion in order to minimise injury-related harm and reduce inequities throughout Australia and New Zealand.
As the region’s key professional body for practitioners, researchers, academics and allied professionals working in injury prevention and safety promotion. It has a broad-based membership from all sectors of the injury prevention and safety promotion community including:

emergency services
crime prevention
sport and recreation
policy makers and
We represent the interests of its constituents, encourage best practice in injury prevention and safety promotion as well as research and injury surveillance.
Executive Committee
The Australasian Injury Prevention Network is a volunteer-run, membership-based association managed by an Executive Committee elected via the Network’s Annual General Meeting.
Life Members
A / Professor Lesley Day
Prof Rod McClure
Jan Shield
Prof Rebecca Ivers
Prof Kathleen Clapham