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Join date: Nov 15, 2021


Dr Dale Hanson graduated from Flinders University of South Australia in 1982, initially pursuing a career in Family Medicine, and subsequently in Emergency Medicine. From 1986 to 2016 he worked as Staff Emergency Physician at Mackay Base Hospital, in regional Queensland. He is currently Director of Rural Generalist Training in the Queensland Rural Generalist Pathway. He is an Associate Professor (Adjunct) with the College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences at James Cook University, Australia.

Concerned at the high rate of injury in the region, he developed an interest in injury research, safety promotion, and social network analysis, completing his Masters Degree in Public Health and Tropical Medicine in 2000 and his Doctorate in Public Health at James Cook University in 2007. He was awarded a university medial (cum laude) for his doctoral dissertation “Community Safety Promotion Networks: From Metaphor to Methodology”.

His paper describing the development of Social Capital in Mackay Safe Communities was judged the best oral presentation delivered at the 8th International Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference held in Durban South Africa. He has received the biennial Australian Injury Prevention Network Award for Meritorious Practice in Injury Prevention in 2003 and the International Safe Communities Distinguished Career Award in 2017.

Dr Hanson is a founding member of Mackay Safe Communities and the Australian Safe Communities Foundation and chair of the International Safe Communities Certifying Centre.

Dale Hanson

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